Malaysia National Robothon NROC has kicked off today

Malaysia National Robothon NROC has kicked off today with 155 teams from across the country’s 10 provinces enthusiastically participating, including 30 teams from primary schools and 125 teams from high schools. The event is organized by 5T3M, @Pythaverse’s Malaysia Distributor and took place in Johor Bahru.



12/4/20231 min read

National Robothon NROC has kicked off today with 155 teams from across the country’s 10 provinces enthusiastically participating, including 30 teams from primary schools and 125 teams from high schools. The event is organized by 5T3M, @Pythaverse’s Malaysia Distributor and took place in Johor Bahru. Mornings were dedicated to the competitions, while afternoons honored the outstanding teams.

This marks Eduspec Malaysia’s 18th year organizing the NROC, but this is the first time they organizes for Leanbot, a special robot category offering programming opportunities for K-12 students with Digital Twin robots on the Metaverse.

We wish all contestants calmness, confidence, and readiness to challenge themselves. Let’s program and operate the Leanbot to turn every task into a pinnacle of success! And remember, this journey is just the beginning, aiming for the 2024 international competition in Bangkok. Let’s prepare and participate together, creating incredible opportunities for the future!